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The Satori protocol defines a set of HTTP-based API services for sending messages and invoking other functionalities.


This is an HTTP RPC-style API, where all URLs follow the format /{path}/{version}/{resource}.{method}. Here, path is the deployment path (which can be empty), version is the API version number, resource is the resource type, and method is the method name.

Currently, Satori has only one version: v1.

Most API requests use POST, with parameters encoded in the request body as application/json. The return value is also in JSON format. As an exception, file upload use multipart/form-data encoding.

The request headers must include the Satori-Platform and Satori-User-ID fields, representing the platform name and platform account, respectively.

A valid request example looks like this:

POST /v1/channel.get
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer 1234567890
Satori-Platform: discord
Satori-User-ID: 1234567890

{"channel_id": "1234567890"}


Authentication is implemented through the Authorization header in the HTTP API. The authentication tokens involved are distributed by the SDK, and this protocol imposes no restrictions on them.

If the SDK is not configured for authentication, the application does not need to provide the above header.

Status Codes

200 (OK)success
400 (BAD REQUEST)invalid request format
401 (UNAUTHORIZED)missing authentication
403 (FORBIDDEN)insufficient permissions
404 (NOT FOUND)API does not exist
405 (METHOD NOT ALLOWED)method not allowed
5XX (SERVER ERROR)server error


If a standard API is not supported by a platform, it should return 404 (NOT FOUND) instead of 501 (NOT IMPLEMENTED). Only when an API is supported by the platform but not implemented by the adapter should it return 501.

Platform Features experimental

The features field in the Login object is an array of strings used to indicate platform features. These features can be used to determine whether a platform supports certain APIs. Valid platform features include:

  • API availability, such as the feature message.delete indicating support for using message.delete to delete messages.
  • API additional features, such as the feature message.list.from indicating support for using message IDs as pagination tokens when querying message lists with message.list.
  • Platform additional features, such as the feature guild.plain indicating that the platform's guild can only have one message channel.

Currently, only the API names themselves are standardized. We will provide a more comprehensive list of standard features in future versions.

Advanced APIs

In addition to standard APIs, Satori also provides some advanced functionalities.

  • Sub-routes under /{path}/{version}/proxy are used to proxy platform resources. See Proxy Routes.
  • Sub-routes under /{path}/{version}/meta are used to access SDK-related interfaces. See Meta Information API.
  • Sub-routes under /{path}/{version}/internal are used to access platform internal interfaces. See Internal API.


Paginated List

Some API may return paginated data. In such cases, the response will be a List object:

dataarraylist of data
nextstring?token for the next page

You can use the next token to fetch the next page of data. If next is null, it means there is no more data.

Bidirectional Paginated List

A very few APIs return paginated data that can extend in both directions. In such cases, the response will be a BidiList object:

dataarraylist of data
prevstring?token for the previous page
nextstring?token for the next page

In the corresponding APIs, you can specify the direction and order using the direction and order parameters.

The direction parameter has three possible values:

  • before: fetch data backward. In this case, prev and next are the same, both representing the token for the previous page.
  • after: fetch data forward. In this case, prev and next are the same, both representing the token for the next page.
  • around: fetch data in both directions. In this case, prev represents the token for the previous page, and next represents the token for the next page.

If prev or next is missing, it means there is no more data in that direction.

The order parameter has two possible values:

  • asc: ascending order.
  • desc: descending order.