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The Satori protocol defines two sets of event services, based on WebSocket and WebHook, respectively.



PONG2ReceiveHeartbeat Response
READY4ReceiveAuthentication Success
META5ReceiveMetadata Update experimental


snnumbersequence number
typestringevent type
timestampnumberevent timestamp
loginLoginlogin object
argvArgv?argv object
buttonButton?button object
channelChannel?channel object
guildGuild?guild object
memberGuildMember?guild member object
messageMessage?message object
operatorUser?operator user object
roleGuildRole?guild role object
userUser?user object

Events are divided into login events and non-login events. Login events specifically refer to events related to Login changes (e.g., login-added). All events use the above data structure, but there are some differences in details:

  • The login resource in non-login events will only have the sn, user, and platform attributes.
  • Non-login events ensure that login.status is ONLINE (though this field is not passed).
  • Login events will have the complete login resource but may lack user and platform.
  • Login events do not participate in session recovery.

The attributes in events follow the resource promotion rules.


The WebSocket service is used to maintain a persistent, stateful connection between the Satori SDK and the application. Through this connection, Satori applications can receive events pushed by the SDK in real time.

The WebSocket service address is /{path}/{version}/events. Here, path is the deployment path (which can be empty), and version is the API version number.

Currently, Satori has only one version: v1.

Connection Process

In general, Satori applications need to follow these steps after establishing a connection:

  1. After the connection is established, send an IDENTIFY signal within 10 seconds for authentication and session recovery.
    The SDK will reply with a READY signal and start event推送.
  2. After the connection is established, send a PING signal to the SDK every 10 seconds.
    The SDK will reply with a PONG signal.
  3. The application continuously receives EVENT signals from the SDK to receive events.

The signal data structure is as follows:

opOpcodesignal type
bodyobject?signal data

The body data structure for the IDENTIFY signal is as follows:

tokenstring?authentication token
snnumber?sequence number

The body data structure for the READY signal is as follows:

loginsLogin[]login objects
proxy_urlsstring[]list of Proxy Routes

The body data structure for the META signal is as follows:

proxy_urlsstring[]list of Proxy Routes

The body data structure for the EVENT signal is described in Event.


WebSocket authentication is implemented through the token field in the IDENTIFY signal. The authentication tokens involved are distributed by the SDK, and this protocol imposes no restrictions on them.

If the SDK is not configured for authentication, the application does not need to provide the above field.

Session Recovery

When a connection is briefly interrupted, Satori applications can recover the session using the sn field in the IDENTIFY signal. The sn field value is the sn field of the last EVENT signal received in the previous connection. After session recovery, the SDK will push all events that occurred during the disconnection to the application.

Login events will not be pushed during session recovery, as the latest login status is already included in the READY signal.

WebHook optional experimental


This is an optional feature.

The WebHook service refers to the SDK pushing events to an HTTP address provided by the application when receiving platform events. An SDK should be able to configure multiple WebHooks and allow the application to authenticate the sender. The configuration of these WebHooks is determined by the SDK itself. This protocol only standardizes a set of APIs and does not impose mandatory requirements.

Event pushes are performed via POST requests. The request header includes the Satori-Opcode field, corresponding to the signal type of this push. The request body is a JSON object, corresponding to the signal data of this push. For example, an event push will have a Satori-Opcode: 0 request header and a request body that conforms to the Event structure.

The signals involved in WebHook include only EVENT and META.

When the application receives a WebHook request, it should return a 2XX status code if it can successfully authenticate and process the request. If authentication fails, it should return a 4XX status code. If processing fails, it should return a 5XX status code.

Reverse Authentication


The authentication logic here is similar to that in API and WebSocket but in the opposite direction.

Satori applications can require the SDK to include an Authorization request header when sending WebHook requests, formatted as Bearer {token}. Here, token is distributed by the application.